Erotic stories of Richard M

Profile page of Richard M. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Richard M wrote 2 erotic stories which have been read 1.8K times

Straight | 2
2023-01-11 18:59:03
2021-10-17 08:00:46
The Collector update Lauren was pregnant and I now have a son George after my father. I named him to annoy my father, but it backfired. My parents have come to accept Lauren, Maureen and George as family and regularly visit them or have them visit them. I've married Lauren after she got confirmed as pregnant with George, not to please my family, but to annoy them a bit more as they weren't approving of Lauren at the time. But now Lauren is not only approved of, but she is also looked on as a daughter especially by ...reading time 1 mingenre
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The CollectorI'm Richard 37 my life is doing what I want when I want, I don't have to work. My family is very well off and I'm the so called black sheep. My family don't want me anywhere near the family multi national businesses and that suits me fine. If I get into trouble they use their many connections to get me out of it and to keep quiet as well. Not that I get into trouble much, I prefer enjoying myself and you can't enjoy yourself in prison. I don't do drugs or drink much alcohol, I prefer water and a...reading time 3 mingenre
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